Causes the current thread to block and sends a notification of the error to the debugger IDE.
HRESULT HandleRuntimeError( IActiveScriptErrorDebug* pErrorDebug, IActiveScriptSite* pScriptSite, BREAKRESUMEACTION* pbra, ERRORRESUMEACTION* perra, BOOL* pfCallOnScriptError ); |
- pErrorDebug
[in] The error that occurred.
- pScriptSite
[in] The script site of the thread.
- pbra
[out] Action to take when the debugger resumes the application.
- perra
[out] Action to take when the debugger resumes the application if there is an error.
- pfCallOnScriptError
[out] Flag which is TRUE if the engine should call the IActiveScriptSite::OnScriptError method.